Protected Witness

A Six-Part Series by Bill Moushey
(c) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 26-31, 1996

Continuing in the fine tradition of Andrew Schneider and Mary Pat Flaherty (authors of the seminal forfeiture expose, "Presumed Guilty," published in 1991 in the now-defunct Pittsburgh Press), the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Bill Moushey takes the lead in exposing another forfeiture-related scandal. This expose about the Witness Security Program (better known as the Federal Witness Protection Program) shows that some of the worst criminals in the country are getting huge sums in forfeiture rewards for their testimony, and getting immunity from forfeiture, a new identity, a free place to live and a monthly salary with benefits to boot -- all at the taxpayer's expense. Many of them revert to their lives of crime while on the government payroll.

Bill Moushey spent a year investigating the witness protection program, through the Freedom of Information Act and through interviews with protected witnesses and government officials. The Post-Gazette has given us permission to post Part One of the series on our website. The entire six-part series is now available as a 44-page (8-1/2 X 11") reprint for only $5. We recommend you buy these reprints and send them to your Congressmen. Ask your local newspapers to run this excellent series.

Note: The "Protected Witness" series is copyrighted and should not be disseminated without permission from the publisher, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Last update June 14, 1996

Main story for day 1 of the series: "Deals With The Devil", about federally protected witness Salvatore Gravano (witness against John Gotti) and his cushy deal with the federal government

Sidebar story for day 1 of the series: "Hunted Down, Then Protected", about Carlos Lehder Rivas, (who testified against Noriega), and his deal with the U.S. government

Outline of the entire six-part series

Profile of the author, Bill Moushey

How the story was developed

How to order reprints