Forfeiture Endangers American Rights

Forfeiture Publications

Forfeiture Publications Available From Other Sources

Note: We do not publish or sell any of these books or products, so don't send us your orders.. These are the books, tapes, videos etc. available from sources other than F.E.A.R. which you might want to add to your asset forfeiture library. We're trying to build a comprehensive bibliography. The appearance on this list does not mean F.E.A.R. endorses the views of the author or publisher, nor the opinions in any book review that was not written by a F.E.A.R. member.

Last update January 14, 1998


Drug Warriors And Their Prey: From Police Power To Police State, by Richard Lawrence Miller (Praeger Publishers, 1996).  Read the new book review by Mark Jones and check your local bookstore for this powerful book by a modern day historian.

Nazi Justiz: Law of the Holocaust, by Richard Lawrence Miller (Praeger Publishers, 1995). This book, the companion piece to Drug Warriors, explains the Nazi forfeiture scheme, with frightening parallels to the modern Drug War.

Forfeiting Our Property Rights, by U.S. Representative Henry Hyde, CATO Institute, 1995 (Highly Recommended! Review by John Paff, FEAR-List Bulletin, 05/05/95)

License To Steal: The Forfeiture of Property, by Leonard Levy, Univ. of N. Carolina Press, hardback, $29.95. Order online or through a bookstore. (Review by Donald J. Boudreaux for Cato)

Civil & Criminal Forfeiture, by Steven Kessler (3 volumes. Note: link is to publisher's information sheet, not an objective book review. We have not reviewed this set and cannot state an opinion.)

Prosecution and Defense of Forfeiture Cases, by David B. Smith, Matthew Bender (2 volumes - about $250, annual supplements about $150 a year. Call publisher for exact price quotes and purchasing information (800) 223-1940. We recommend this book for forfeiture lawyers or libraries. It's too detailed and intellectual for the average pro se forfeiture victim to use as a self-help guide -- but it's excellent for looking up the fine points of the law. See if your local law library has it.


American Forfeiture Law: Property Owners Meet the Prosecutor  by Terrence Reed, CATO Policy Analysis No. 179 (September 29, 1992) The link is to the text of the publication (91k).

The Looting of America tri-fold flyer (8/10" front and back) by Jarret Wollstein, available in bulk from ISIL - International Society for Individual Liberties.

Audio tapes

The F.E.A.R. Radio Hour -- KHNC in Johnstown, Colorado and affiliated stations. Audio tapes of this new weekly radio show are available for purchase from KHNC. Call 1-800-205-6245.


Aaron Russo's Mad As Hell video

In early January, 1996, FEAR activists Brenda Grantland, Esq. (FEAR Pres.), Jeffrey Steinborn, Esq. (state coordinator for Washington state) and Judy Osburn (FEAR Chronicles newsletter editor) went to Hollywood to appear on the pilot for a proposed television show -- Aaron Russo's Mad As Hell. The show was filmed live before a television audience, and the audience reception was very enthusiastic. The 90 minute video -- now available for $20 (including shipping and handling) -- is the by far best video presentation of what FEAR is and why we fear forfeiture. Please check out our Mad As Hell page for details on how to order it.

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